2016 – The year of FREE

(Sigh) New Years.  One of my favorite times of year.  A time for rebirth.  A time for open hearts and open thoughts.  A time to dream.  A time to take those dreams to reality.  I’ve been thinking a lot about who I want to be in 2016.  If 2015 taught me anything, it taught me that…

This whole counting calories thing may not be for me

Staying focused.  Keeping my feet on the pavement.  Feeling stronger and happier.  But calorie counting?  I don’t think it’s for me.  At least not right now.  Trying to stay focused on making choices that make me feel good and make me feel strong.  I’m running, I’m walking, I’m lifting and everything in between.  I’m eating…

Calorie deficits are hard

It’s a simple equation really, burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight.  Of course there is a balance of nutrients to think about.  I personally consume too much sugar and not enough fiber.  As a lifetime emotional eater though, eating has become a habit for me. Sitting down to watch TV?…

Damn eating.

Good news: I completed my September fitness goals and got to hang up my pretty October calendar today. Not so good news: I am eating like CRAP!!!!  Cookies, candies, breads, chips.  Do you see any healthy foods in that list?  No.  I did drink a DELICIOUS smoothie today with zucchini and berries and bananas and nut butter…

Actually feeling good

I feel like my posts as of late have all been about how I feel crappy about my progress.  Today I am here to report that I am actually feeling quite proud of myself.  I haven’t made any positive (negative?) movement on the scale, but I have been successful with staying on track in regards…


I don’t like being told ‘no’.  I don’t like realizing that something I want to do, may not be an option for me right now because of my fitness level.  I was asked to be on a Ragnar team for 2016 (well, really I volunteered) and was alerted today that the average team pace requirement is…

Feeling good

In my ideal world, I sit down every night with a glass of wine and tell all of my readers (I know I have at least one! Hi Denise!!!) about where I am at in this chapter of my life.  Let’s be honest though, if I have a minute to enjoy a glass of wine,…

AM runs; let’s try this again, shall we?

Tomorrow I transition into my new bread winner hours.  Classic 9-5PM, a big change from my 10 years of getting off by 3/330PM to transport the kiddo.  As if transitioning to a new work schedule isn’t enough change, I figure it’s a good time to give morning running a shot again.  Why stop waking at…

Moving through change

I am a 100% “the glass is half full” kind of gal, to the point of self detriment.  Sometimes my inability to consider that things might not go the way I plan/want knocks me off my feet when I least expect it, eventually leading to panic attacks and the need for a cortisol manager.  I see this…

Family run, 02/11/15

Had a GREAT run with my kiddo and our pup last night.  The five minute intervals felt way better than last week’s 4.  I was actually a little sad with the run was over because I warmed up about 2 miles in and that last mile felt soooo good.  My wee one (not so wee anymore)…

Feb 02 – 08, 2015: Round-Up!

I think I have been avoiding this post.  Last week I met a pretty big goal and was feeling really good.  Then something happened, fear.  I was afraid of what’s next and that fear quickly turned into excuses sounding something like this:      “Tonight is date night, I’m going to take the evening off…